Published: Građevinar 56 (2004) 4
Paper type: Professional paper
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Chimney stack repair at the thermal power station in Sisak
Structural repair of the 140 m high chimney stack at the thermal power station in Sisak is described. Basic technical information about the chimney stack is presented and its condition prior to remedial activities is described. A detailed account is given about the design and realization of repair work, which included remedy of internal and external portions of the chimney stack. The work mainly consisted in the replacement of the walling and in closing cracks prior to the principal work. Recommendations based on experience gained on this repair project, including measures needed to extend service life of chimney stacks, are given in the final part of the paper.
Keywordschimney stack, pukotine, thermal power station in Sisak, repair, interior of a chimney stack, external portion of a chimney stack, walling