
UDK: 624.071.3:627.47+536.4
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 57 (2005) 11
Paper type: Preliminary report
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Analysis of the torrential-watercourse wall exposed to thermal action

Danila Lozzi-Kožar, Ivica Kožar, Danko Holjević


The thermal load imposed on a torrential-watercourse wall in Mošćenička Draga is considered. The part of the wall affected by cracking was modelled and analyzed as a two-dimensional member in the plane. The temperature load leads to stress values greater than those allowed for the concrete type used, which results in the formation of cracks. Cracking measurement results are compared with calculated displacements. The displacement values show that expansion joints, not anticipated in this case, were in fact necessary to prevent wall cracking.

concrete wall, high temperature, thermal load imposed on the structure, thermal stress analysis, pukotine


Lozzi-Kožar, D., Kožar, I., Holjević, D.: Analysis of the torrential-watercourse wall exposed to thermal action, GRAĐEVINAR, 57 (2005) 11


Lozzi-Kožar, D., Kožar, I., Holjević, D. (2005). Analysis of the torrential-watercourse wall exposed to thermal action, GRAĐEVINAR, 57 (11)

Danila Lozzi-Kožar
Hrvatske vode VGO Rijeka

Ivica KoE ar WEB
Ivica Kožar
University of Rijeka,
Faculty of Civil Engineering

Danko Holjević
Hrvatske vode VGO Rijeka