
Published: Građevinar 73 (2021) 4
Paper type: Original scientific paper
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Evaluation of remotely sensed precipitation product in a hydrological model of the Bednja watershed

Karlo Leskovar, Petar Mrakužić, Hrvoje Meaški


In this paper, a statistical and spatial analysis of precipitation for the period 2000-2018 for the Bednja watershed was performed, were the measured data from meteorological and/or rainfall stations of Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (DHMZ) were compared with the data in form of remotely sensed precipitation product - CHIRPS (Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station). The results of the analysis in the form of the annual sum, monthly distribution within the year and the spatial distribution and input data ratio over the basin show a good correlation between the measured and remotely sensed precipitation. In order to further evaluate the quality of the remotely sensed product, a SWAT hydrological runoff model was created. The model was calibrated, and the results were validated on an independent data set.

hydrological model, remote sensing, SWAT, CHIRPS, spatial precipitation analysis


Leskovar, K., Mrakužić, P., Meaški, H.: Evaluation of remotely sensed precipitation product in a hydrological model of the Bednja watershed, GRAĐEVINAR, 73 (2021) 4, pp. 335-348, doi:


Leskovar, K., Mrakužić, P., Meaški, H. (2021). Evaluation of remotely sensed precipitation product in a hydrological model of the Bednja watershed, GRAĐEVINAR, 73 (4), 335-348, doi:


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This paper is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Karlo Leskovar3
Karlo Leskovar
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Geotechnics
Mrakuzic Petar
Petar Mrakužić
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Geotechnics

Hrvoje Meaški
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Geotechnics