
Published: Građevinar 71 (2019) 10
Paper type: Preliminary report
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Assessment of reinforcement corrosion and concrete damage on bridges using non-destructive testing

Marija Kušter Marić, Ana Mandić Ivanković, Anđelko Vlašić, Jelena Bleiziffer, Mladen Srbić, Dominik Skokandić


Management of bridges in Croatia and their vulnerability to reinforcement corrosion is discussed in the paper. New maintenance approach, where visual inspections are combined with the non-destructive testing (NDT) methods, is proposed and demonstrated on six representative bridges. Reinforcement corrosion on structural elements may be detected earlier and more precisely as oppose to cases when only visual inspection without NDT is performed. Obtained results as well as correlations between different measured parameters are important input parameters for prediction of future degradation of structures and decision making for future maintenance activity.

crack geometry, concrete strength , concrete cover, electrical resistivity, half-cell potential


Kušter Marić, M., Ivanković, A. M. ., Vlašić, A., Bleiziffer, J., Srbić, M., Skokandić, D.: Assessment of reinforcement corrosion and concrete damage on bridges using non-destructive testing, GRAĐEVINAR, 71 (2019) 10, pp. 843-862, doi:


Kušter Marić, M., Ivanković, A. M. ., Vlašić, A., Bleiziffer, J., Srbić, M., Skokandić, D. (2019). Assessment of reinforcement corrosion and concrete damage on bridges using non-destructive testing, GRAĐEVINAR, 71 (10), 843-862, doi:


Creative Commons License
This paper is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Marija Kušter Marić
ami WEB
Ana Mandić Ivanković
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
AndelkoVlasic WEB
Anđelko Vlašić
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Bleiziffer foto fin
Jelena Bleiziffer
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
slika Srbic WEB
Mladen Srbić
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Dominik WEB
Dominik Skokandić
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Civil Engineering