
Published: Građevinar 72 (2020) 1
Paper type: Preliminary report
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Influence of foundation contact pressure on response spectrum-based design

Ivan Kraus, Damir Džakić, Jovan Papić, Adriana Cerovečki


The supports and seismic actions for structural design are usually mathematical derivatives of the data collected from soil profiles with free-field conditions. This study is based on the premise that the pressure exerted by the structure onto the soil can change resonant properties of soil and thus redirect structural design. The research was conducted on a set of 10 real soil profiles, and involves 21 case studies and the use of two methods for correction of shear wave velocity profiles in order to include contact pressure. Analytically obtained results are compared with the corresponding results obtained by means of a centrifuge experiment.

Eurocode 8, response spectrum, experiment, centrifuge, soil profile, shallow foundations


Kraus, I., Džakić, D., Papić, J., Cerovečki, A.: Influence of foundation contact pressure on response spectrum-based design, GRAĐEVINAR, 72 (2020) 1, pp. 11-20, doi:


Kraus, I., Džakić, D., Papić, J., Cerovečki, A. (2020). Influence of foundation contact pressure on response spectrum-based design, GRAĐEVINAR, 72 (1), 11-20, doi:


Creative Commons License
This paper is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Ivan Kraus WEB
Ivan Kraus
J J. Strossmayer University of Osijek
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Osijek

Damir Dzakic WEB
Damir Džakić
BROD KONZALTING d.o.o., Zagreb
Jovan Papic WEB
Jovan Papić
University of Sv. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje
Civil Engineering
Department of Geotechnics
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Adriana Cerovečki
J J. Strossmayer University of Osijek
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Osijek