
Published: Građevinar 71 (2019) 6
Paper type: Original scientific paper
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An experimental study of impact performance of RC piers with different reinforcement ratios

Xiwu Zhou, Runcheng Zhang, Kai Zhao, Guoxue Zhang, Benying Wu


The most advanced domestic super-high drop hammer impact test system was used in this study to simulate ship-piers collisions. The main focus of this study was to examine the impact forces, displacements, and strain time histories of five reinforced concrete pier specimens with different reinforcement ratios, and to analyse concrete damage and crack propagation and development after impact events. The results showed that, under this test conditions, an increase in reinforcement ratio can somewhat improve the lateral impact resistance of reinforced concrete piers.

reinforced concrete, piers, horizontal collisions, reinforcement ratio, impact performances


Zhou, X., Zhang, R., Zhao, K., Zhang, G., Wu, B.: An experimental study of impact performance of RC piers with different reinforcement ratios, GRAĐEVINAR, 71 (2019) 6, pp. 465-479, doi:


Zhou, X., Zhang, R., Zhao, K., Zhang, G., Wu, B. (2019). An experimental study of impact performance of RC piers with different reinforcement ratios, GRAĐEVINAR, 71 (6), 465-479, doi:


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This paper is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Xiwu Zhou WEB
Xiwu Zhou
Foshan University, China
School of Transportation and Civil Engineering & Architecture
Runcheng Zhang WEB
Runcheng Zhang
Foshan University, China
School of Transportation and Civil Engineering & Architecture
Kai Zhao WEB
Kai Zhao
Foshan University, China
School of Transportation and Civil Engineering & Architecture
Guoxue Zhang WEB
Guoxue Zhang
Foshan University, China
School of Transportation and Civil Engineering & Architecture
Benying Wu WEB
Benying Wu
Foshan University, China
School of Transportation and Civil Engineering & Architecture