
UDK: 624.072.33:624.042
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 62 (2010) 5
Paper type: Original scientific paper
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Modelling flexural stiffness in concrete frames

Jure Radnić, Domagoj Matešan, Alen Harapin


The issue of determining actual stiffness of beams and columns of concrete frames is discussed in the initial part of the paper. This is followed by description of some of the most frequently used flexural stiffness models. Then the influence of selected beam and column stiffness models on the distribution of bending moments in a real-life frame is analyzed. Conclusions for the selection of adequate frame- element stiffness models for analysis of relevant internal forces, aimed at achieving similar level of safety for beams and columns, are given in the final part of the paper.

concrete frame, flexural stiffness, beam, column, stiffness model, distribution of internal forces


Radnić, J., Matešan, D., Harapin, A.: Modelling flexural stiffness in concrete frames, GRAĐEVINAR, 62 (2010) 5


Radnić, J., Matešan, D., Harapin, A. (2010). Modelling flexural stiffness in concrete frames, GRAĐEVINAR, 62 (5)
Jure Radnic WEB
Jure Radnić
University of Split
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy
Matesan WEB
Domagoj Matešan
University of Split
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Arcitecture and Geodesy
Harapin Alen
Alen Harapin
University of Split,
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy