
Published: Građevinar 70 (2018) 4
Paper type: Professional paper
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Analysis of water exchange via pipe culverts in Opatija marina

Damjan Bujak, Dalibor Carevic, Ratko Ramuščak, Tin Kulić, Ivana Bartolić


In areas with small tidal oscillations (such as the Mediterranean Sea), the exchange of water in harbours can be improved by pipe culverts incorporated in breakwaters. The effect of natural factors on water exchange was tested via in-situ measurements conducted in Opatija marina. It was established that the flow in partly submerged pipe culverts exceeds by two times the flow in a fully submerged pipe culvert. In the period without wind and waves, almost three percent of the total volume circulates through a pipe culvert during a single tidal oscillation.

water exchange, pipe culverts, wind, breakwater, wind-generated waves


Bujak, D., Carevic, D., Ramuščak, R., Kulić, T., Bartolić, I.: Analysis of water exchange via pipe culverts in Opatija marina, GRAĐEVINAR, 70 (2018) 4, pp. 353-360, doi:


Bujak, D., Carevic, D., Ramuščak, R., Kulić, T., Bartolić, I. (2018). Analysis of water exchange via pipe culverts in Opatija marina, GRAĐEVINAR, 70 (4), 353-360, doi:


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slika db WEB
Damjan Bujak
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Dalibor Carevic WEB
Dalibor Carevic
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Ramuscak WEB
Ratko Ramuščak
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Civil Engineering
TKulic WEB
Tin Kulić
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Ivana WEB
Ivana Bartolić
Zagreb University of Applied Sciences