
Published: Građevinar 70 (2018) 11
Paper type: Preliminary report
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Numerical and analytical model for serviceability limit states of RC elements

Marija Docevska, Toni Arangjelovski, Goran Markovski, Darko Nakov


A numerical and analytical model for prediction of serviceability limit states of flexural reinforced concrete members is outlined. The considered beam elements are investigated under short-term and long-term bending load. The numerical and analytical model is validated using existing experimental data. Both analyses provide reliable estimation of in-service deflections. A multi-directional fixed crack model is included in the numerical model to account for the non-linear post-cracking behaviour of concrete. For long-term analysis, time-dependent effects of concrete, creep and shrinkage are employed in both models through viscoelastic concrete behaviour.

creep and shrinkage, long-term deflections, moment-curvature, crack pattern, tension-stiffening


Docevska, M., Arangjelovski, T., Markovski, G., Nakov, D.: Numerical and analytical model for serviceability limit states of RC elements, GRAĐEVINAR, 70 (2018) 11, pp. 943-952, doi:


Docevska, M., Arangjelovski, T., Markovski, G., Nakov, D. (2018). Numerical and analytical model for serviceability limit states of RC elements, GRAĐEVINAR, 70 (11), 943-952, doi:


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This paper is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
01 M.Sc. Marija Docevska
Marija Docevska
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University
Faculty of Civil Engineering
02 Prof. d r Toni Arangjelovski
Toni Arangjelovski
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University
Faculty of Civil Engineering
03 Prof. d r Goran Markovski WEB
Goran Markovski
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University
Faculty of Civil Engineering

Darko Nakov
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University
Faculty of Civil Engineering