
UDK: 624.
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 62 (2010) 2
Paper type: Preliminary report
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Analysis of chloride penetration into the reinforced-concrete pier

Neira Torić, Gojko Balabanić, Ivica Kožar


1D and 2D analysis of chloride penetration into the reinforced-concrete pier, conducted in the cross-section of a Krk Bridge pier, and based on the finite-difference method, is presented in the paper. The time the chloride concentration next to reinforcement requires to reach the critical value is defined. In can be concluded, by comparison of results obtained in the analysis, that chloride penetration from two directions causes greater concentration of chloride next to reinforcement in the corner zone of structural elements, when compared to concentration anticipated by the 1D model, for the same period of analysis.

chloride penetration, reinforced-concrete pier, analysis, Krk bridge, 1D model, 2D model


Torić, N., Balabanić, G., Kožar, I.: Analysis of chloride penetration into the reinforced-concrete pier, GRAĐEVINAR, 62 (2010) 2


Torić, N., Balabanić, G., Kožar, I. (2010). Analysis of chloride penetration into the reinforced-concrete pier, GRAĐEVINAR, 62 (2)

Neira Torić
University of Rijeka,
Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Department of

Gojko Balabanić
University of Rijeka,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Ivica KoE ar WEB
Ivica Kožar
University of Rijeka,
Faculty of Civil Engineering