
Published: Građevinar 68 (2016) 8
Paper type: Original scientific paper
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Clay block masonry and mortar joint interlocking

Davorin Penava, Vladimir Sigmund, Ivica Kožar, Filip Anić, Domagoj Trajber, Mirko Vig


If clay blocks with vertical voids and general-purpose mortar are used in masonry construction, interlocking will occur during placement of units and mortar. Shear strength of the clay block and solid brick masonry is usually determined in the same way, without taking interlocking into consideration. With interlocking, the tensile strength of clay blocks is reached before mortar bed joint sliding occurs. In order to consider the effect of interlocking in nonlinear analyses, three-dimensional design models were built and verified using physical model response. The shear resistance function was adopted to enable proper description of masonry response.

clay block masonry, masonry shear strength, nonlinear design model, shear resistance function


Penava, D., Sigmund, V., Kožar, I., Anić, F., Trajber, D., Vig, M.: Clay block masonry and mortar joint interlocking, GRAĐEVINAR, 68 (2016) 8, pp. 609-616, doi:


Penava, D., Sigmund, V., Kožar, I., Anić, F., Trajber, D., Vig, M. (2016). Clay block masonry and mortar joint interlocking, GRAĐEVINAR, 68 (8), 609-616, doi:


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Davorin Penava
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek
Vladimir Sigmund WEB
Vladimir Sigmund
University of J. J. Strossmayera in Osijek
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Ivica KoE ar WEB
Ivica Kožar
University of Rijeka,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Filip AniD WEB
Filip Anić
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek
Domagoj Trajber WEB
Domagoj Trajber
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek
Mirko Vig WEB
Mirko Vig
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek