
UDK: 624.071.001.5:624.043
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 60 (2008) 12
Paper type: Original scientific paper
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Influence of wall girder size on its bearing capacity and ductility

Željko Smolčić, Joško Ožbolt, Darko Meštrović


Results obtained by determining, through shear stress analysis, the influence of size of wall girders without reinforcement on their bearing capacity and ductility are presented. The program for non-linear analysis of concrete structures, based on the finite-element method, was used. The analysis was conducted for three different percentages of reinforcement aimed at countering the bending action. This analysis has shown that the nominal bearing capacity and ductility reduce with the increase in size. It is stressed that this reduction of nominal capacity is not significant for engineering practice.

wall girder, influence of wall girder size, bearing capacity, seismic evaluation, nonlinear analysis, finite-element method


Smolčić, Ž., Ožbolt, J., Meštrović, D.: Influence of wall girder size on its bearing capacity and ductility, GRAĐEVINAR, 60 (2008) 12


Smolčić, Ž., Ožbolt, J., Meštrović, D. (2008). Influence of wall girder size on its bearing capacity and ductility, GRAĐEVINAR, 60 (12)
Smolcic Zeljko
Željko Smolčić
University of Rijeka,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
ozbolt WEB
Joško Ožbolt
Institute of Construction Materials,
University of Stuttgart

Darko Meštrović
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering